Politicians as mercenaries

Arab MKs must beg forgiveness for Libya visit --- Salman Masalha Politicians as mercenaries The whole world is watching the misdeeds of the Libyan tyrant. Muammar Gadhafi spares no instrument of repression: He dispatches planes to sow death indiscriminately and sends African...

Welcome Back to History

Islam, like other imperialist ideologies, still needs enemies to flourish. Enemies have served Islam in the past as fuel for its wagons. Without enemies Islam declines and stagnates... Salman Masalha || Welcome Back to History For centuries the Arab world has been living in chronic sickness. One basic reason for this sickness is the mixture between...

The American golem

The U.S. isn't interested in Mideast peace Washington wants the region engulfed in flames; it just wants to control their height. Salman Masalha The American golem It should be said explicitly: The United States is not interested in attaining peace in the Middle East....
  • War Games

    Israel also needs Iran. Just as Iran calls Israel the Little Satan (compared to the great American one), Israel also portrays Iran as the devil incarnate...
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  • Arab Nationalism?

    The past several years have provided decisive proof that all the pompous Arab slogans from the ideological school of the Syrian and Iraqi Ba’ath parties...
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  • For Jews only

    The Jewish messianic understanding of the "Land of Israel" is what dictated the move. Now Netanyahu will surely find a way around the High Court with general Jewish support.
  • Make way for Barghouti

    As long as Abbas bears the title “president of Palestine,” he will keep sitting there praising Palestine. But he will be bearing this name in vain...

Zurich, Feb. 2025 (S.M.)


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