Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts

Israeli Arabs, it’s time to play the political game till the end

It is clear to any intelligent person that advancing the interests of Arab citizens, a minority, cannot bear results without participating in the countries institutions of power and without the support of the Jewish majority...

The Israeli Election as a Racist Festival

The difference between Benny Gantz and Yitzhak Rabin As long as things continue to operate along tribal, ethnic and religious lines here, there can be no hope....

Abandoned Minority

Arab Leaders, Police Share the Blame for Crime Afflicting Israeli Arab Towns...

Battling Tribalism in Israeli Politics

It must be said unequivocally that any party that doesn’t aspire to replace the government, or at least to be part of a coalition that would be an alternative to the current government, has no political right to exist...

An Empty Zionist Bluff Appears in Galilee

Since its founding, Nazareth Illit’s name has been tied to that of the Arab city. Now it is being reborn with the name Nof Hagalil, which is nothing more than an empty Zionist bluff....

Israel’s left is like the right

Anyone who aspires to lay a foundation for a genuine left must reject this separation. He must break the partitions that separate the country’s citizens on a religious or ethnic basis...

Good night, Blue and White

The most the Arabs can aspire to is to provide indirect help in forging a “Jewish unity” government. This indicates that the problem is in the Jewish court, not the Arab one....

No-shows at the Wedding

Lucy Aharish’s marriage to Tzachi Halevy, which drew the seed purists from their hideouts, exposed the simple truth about matters of relationships between men and women – that Israel is no different than the surrounding Arab region...

Left, Right - What’s the Difference?

Salman Masalha || Left, Right -  What’s the Difference?  Arab MKs have always sat in the opposition, but theirs is a simulated opposition, and will never be a real part of Israel’s democracy. This is an ostracized opposition – even the 'left' isn’t ready to...

From Rabin's Assassination to The Druze protest

The nation-state law basically gave a constitutional stamp of approval to that same campaign of divisiveness and racist spirit that led to the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin Salman Masalha || From Rabin's Assassination to The Druze protest The Old, Familiar...

Where Is This ‘Israel’ They Talk About?

The nation-state law has not one but several intolerable clauses. All those who spoke out against only two of its clauses are full partners to this fraud that is supposedly Israeli, humane and liberal . Salman Masalha || Where Is This ‘Israel’ They Talk About? In view...

The Nakedness of the Israeli Left

Excluding a fifth of Israel’s citizens from their political calculations is not worthy of being called the left. ...

The Israeli Media Is Hostile

The media sought out cheap Arabist manipulators who tried to bring depth to their analyses and assert that the fires were linked to terror....

Jewish and degenerate

Racism and chauvinism, regardless of which side they come from, destroy every bit of gray matter in the human br...

Herzog in the wake of Gandhi

Isaac Herzog's Plan for Separation Sounds Horribly Familiar The leader of the opposition should remember that there is no Jerusalem without Palestinians, just as there is no Jerusalem without Jews. Salman Masalha || Herzog in the wake of Gand...

Israel’s Arabs and liberals are no great leftists

The ‘leftists’ only want to find favor in the eyes of the West, while the Arabs are only looking for honorific titles in the Knesset. Salman Masalha ||  Israel’s Arabs and liberals are no great leftists Jews and Arabs in Israel live in two different worlds that rarely overlap. There are Arab towns and Jewish towns. There are also “mixed...

Turning Jerusalem into Tehran

  The racist downpours that have fallen on Israel lately are only the first rains of a long winter of racism, one that will flood Israel for years to come.  Salman Masalha ||  Netanyahu is turning Jerusalem into the new Tehr...

Rights and responsibilities of Israel's Arab citizens

The Israeli Arab leadership’s positions on belonging to the state and its institutions are full of contradictions, and the time has come to resolve them. Salman Masalha ||  Rights and responsibilities of Israel's Arab citizens Police clash with protesters in the...

B. Michael || The right to resist oppression and tyranny

  Once upon a time, a time we knew better days, had loftier values, and even had more enlightened elected officials. B. Michael ||  The right to resist oppression and tyran...

Apartheid city

New Arab city will perpetuate inequality We should oppose the construction of a new Arab city on principle. From here it’s a short distance to pushing Arab citizens out of so-called 'Jewish' cities. Salman Masalha || Apartheid ci...
  • War Games

    Israel also needs Iran. Just as Iran calls Israel the Little Satan (compared to the great American one), Israel also portrays Iran as the devil incarnate...
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  • Arab Nationalism?

    The past several years have provided decisive proof that all the pompous Arab slogans from the ideological school of the Syrian and Iraqi Ba’ath parties...
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  • For Jews only

    The Jewish messianic understanding of the "Land of Israel" is what dictated the move. Now Netanyahu will surely find a way around the High Court with general Jewish support.
  • Make way for Barghouti

    As long as Abbas bears the title “president of Palestine,” he will keep sitting there praising Palestine. But he will be bearing this name in vain...

Zurich, Feb. 2025 (S.M.)


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