Showing posts with label Israel-Palestine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel-Palestine. Show all posts

The Pillars of Netanyahu’s ‘Peace’

To study the nonsensical nature of Netanyahu’s rhetoric about regional peace, it is wise to return to the source, to his original habit...

Israel’s left is like the right

Anyone who aspires to lay a foundation for a genuine left must reject this separation. He must break the partitions that separate the country’s citizens on a religious or ethnic basis...

Another Tragic Farce in the Making

Mahmoud Abbas has threatened in the past to do just that. Now he has the opportunity to make a dramatic move that would fundamentally alter the picture....

Exciting Election? Israel Is Snoring

In democratic regimes the opposition is supposed to provide alternatives to the government. These alternatives are meant to show a different path in terms of ideas, society and politics...

And They Shall Ever Meet

Archive  (2001) - While in Germany people want to forget and seek forgiveness, people in the Holy Land look for remembranc...

Where Is This ‘Israel’ They Talk About?

The nation-state law has not one but several intolerable clauses. All those who spoke out against only two of its clauses are full partners to this fraud that is supposedly Israeli, humane and liberal . Salman Masalha || Where Is This ‘Israel’ They Talk About? In view...

Hamas in the service of Israel

Hamas Rule in Gaza Isn’t the Enemy of the Israeli Right, It's the Loyal Servant... Salman Masalha || Hamas in the service of Israel Pundits say the government has no clear policy in the Gaza Strip. They’re wrong. It’s true that when Benjamin Netanyahu was in the opposition...

How We All Got Here

Reflections on Israeli independence day, the Nakba and how the thugs of tribal and religious nationalism from both peoples are tightly grasping the fabric of the land Salman Masalha || How We All Got Here  Three reflections on independence and the Nakba: 1. Despite...

The Massacre of Arab Nationalism

Salman Masalha || The Massacre of Arab Nationalism The Israel Defense Forces are slaughtering Palestinian civilians on the border of the Gaza Strip. Bashar Assad’s regime continues to slaughter Syrian civilians. And the entire world is sitting and watching with folded...

Biblical Presidents

With the Embassy Move to Jerusalem : Samuel Goldman || Biblical Presidents For American evangelicals, there is a term of praise for President Trump that falls like a question mark on most everyone else: “You are Cyrus.” That’s what the Christian pro-Israel activist Mike Evans promised to tell President Trump after his announcement that the...

Netanyahu's Disastrous Rule Is a Dream for an Arab Nationalist

During his time in the office, he has brought rot to every corner of the country. His continued rule will bring disaster to Jews and Arabs alike. Salman Masalha || Netanyahu's Disastrous Rule Is a Dream for an Arab Nationalist If I were an Arab nationalist, I would pray...

Make way for Barghouti

The Palestinian president, who comes from Safed in present-day Israel, will forever be seen as a foreigner in Ramallah and the West Bank cities Salman Masalha || Make way for Barghouti Mahmoud Abbas has often threatened to resign, dismantle the Palestinian Authority...

The never-ending tragedy

No True Leftists on Either Side: By clinging to nationalism, both Israelis and Palestinians are dooming themselves for more terrible times ahea...

Inside Every Islamist Is a Latent Smotrich

It is no coincidence that ISIS operates in countries such as Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Libya, which in the past were the standard bearers of Arab nationalism. ...

Questions for Seder Night

On Lockdown: Rabbi Ismail used to say: Anyone who doesn’t say these words on the night of closure has not fulfilled his obligations. These words are: robbery, siege and bitter herbs...

The 1948 War Through Arab Eyes

A study of Arab newspapers in the run-up to the Israeli War of Independence shows the kind of rhetoric that led to the Nakba, and is still present today. ...

The Nakedness of the Israeli Left

Excluding a fifth of Israel’s citizens from their political calculations is not worthy of being called the left. ...

The Israeli Media Is Hostile

The media sought out cheap Arabist manipulators who tried to bring depth to their analyses and assert that the fires were linked to terror....

Solomon’s Mosque is in our hands

Islam Has Never Denied the Jewish Connection to Jerusalem. On the contrary, anywhere you look in early Islamic literature, if it discusses the city at all you’ll find its Jewish connecti...

Jewish and degenerate

Racism and chauvinism, regardless of which side they come from, destroy every bit of gray matter in the human br...
  • War Games

    Israel also needs Iran. Just as Iran calls Israel the Little Satan (compared to the great American one), Israel also portrays Iran as the devil incarnate...
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  • Arab Nationalism?

    The past several years have provided decisive proof that all the pompous Arab slogans from the ideological school of the Syrian and Iraqi Ba’ath parties...
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  • For Jews only

    The Jewish messianic understanding of the "Land of Israel" is what dictated the move. Now Netanyahu will surely find a way around the High Court with general Jewish support.
  • Make way for Barghouti

    As long as Abbas bears the title “president of Palestine,” he will keep sitting there praising Palestine. But he will be bearing this name in vain...

Zurich, Feb. 2025 (S.M.)


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