Showing posts with label Arab spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arab spring. Show all posts

The Massacre of Arab Nationalism

Salman Masalha || The Massacre of Arab Nationalism The Israel Defense Forces are slaughtering Palestinian civilians on the border of the Gaza Strip. Bashar Assad’s regime continues to slaughter Syrian civilians. And the entire world is sitting and watching with folded...

The Spring of the Arab Monarchies

 Arab Spring Published in Arabic: Middle East Transparent [1] Salman Masalha ||  The Spring of the Arab Monarchies "Here we are, approaching the end of the fourth year of the uprisings that erupted in more than one country across the Arab world, from East...

The code to Damascus

To fathom why the bloody Syrian civil war shows no sign of abating, one has to understand the tribal mentality of the Arab region. Salman Masalha ||  The code to Damascu...

Saddam Hussein of Damascus

 Stop the Syrian regime There are moments when one cannot stand idly by. The world must stop the killing in Syria. Salman Masalha ||  Saddam Hussein of Damascus...

Watching the slaughter in Syria

The horrors across the border do not arouse disgust or revulsion here. The opposite is true; there are those who continue to organize gatherings in support of the butcher of Damascus.   Salman Masalha || Watching the slaughter in Syri...

The Crimes Of The Regime And Of The Opposition

What is happening now in the Syrian arena, and has been happening for months, is the best proof of the ruin and desolation [that afflict] this land – except that this desolation, which is essentially a moral desolation, is not new. Salman Masalha  The Crimes Of...

No Grass in the Arab world

The murderous Ba’ath regime, which pretended to be the standard bearer of Arab nationalism, is the bloody testimony to the failure of that nationalism. Salman Masalha ||  No Grass in the Arab world When Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini came into power in Iran, the well-known Syrian poet Adonis hastened to publish a paean of praise of the...

The decay in the Arab world

Assad is a symbol of The decay in the Arab world: With great sadness, it can be said that in the absence of a sane civil alternative, the Arab world will continue along this path. Salman Masalha ||  The decay in the Arab world Bashar Assad, who is continuing...

Obama's friends

America's hypocritical friendship with Saudi Arabia: Just as Obama said to Mubarak a year ago, 'Now is now,' we expect him to tell the Saudi government: 'Enough is enough!' Salman Masalha || Obama's friends “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are,”...

Neither Arab nor Spring

The vicissitudes that have, for some reason, been collectively dubbed the 'Arab Spring' are neither Arab nor Spring. One can say that they are actually living proof of the identity crisis and reverberating bankruptcy of Arab nationalism. Salman Masalha || Neither Arab...

The Arab world's quagmire

Only a society that can engage in introspection and self-examination can emerge from its dark past and march confidently to a different future. Otherwise, it will continue to sink into the same marshy swamp. Salman Masalha || The Arab world's quagmi...

There is no Arab left-wing in Israel

You call this a left? The left is supposed to bridge the gap and the national tension by positing a civic agenda that crosses ethnic boundaries. The question is whether there is such a leftist agenda among the Arabs in Israel. Salman Masalha There is noArab left-wingin...

A Feeble Middle East

The rise of Shi’ite Islam under Iran’s leadership necessitated encouragement to Sunni Islam, to step into the breach versus Iran. The conclusion was simple: From the Arab world – which is mostly Sunni – no salvation will come either for the Arab world or for the Western world. Salman Masalha A Feeble Middle East The king of terror is dead. He...

Israel's favorite Arab dictator of all is Assad

Israel's favorite Arab dictator of all is Assad Both Assad senior and Assad junior advocated resistance against Israel. This slogan was hollow, serving the regime merely as an insurance policy against any demand for freedom and democracy. --- Salman Masalha President...

No light at the end of the tunnel

Salman Masalha || No light at the end of the tunnel Relax. What happened in Tunisia is not about to repeat itself in other Arab states. The toppling of a dictator by a popular uprising indeed brings a breath of fresh air and perhaps even a ray of hope to many in the region,...

The New Arab Order

Salman Masalha The New Arab Order Could a social and political arrangement be reached, with the aim of governing Arab life so as to move beyond the perpetual state of conflict that Arab peoples and regimes have been locked in for generations? Is there a true will to reach such a formula? And can the new Iraq provide a model to be emulated in this...
  • War Games

    Israel also needs Iran. Just as Iran calls Israel the Little Satan (compared to the great American one), Israel also portrays Iran as the devil incarnate...
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  • Arab Nationalism?

    The past several years have provided decisive proof that all the pompous Arab slogans from the ideological school of the Syrian and Iraqi Ba’ath parties...
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  • For Jews only

    The Jewish messianic understanding of the "Land of Israel" is what dictated the move. Now Netanyahu will surely find a way around the High Court with general Jewish support.
  • Make way for Barghouti

    As long as Abbas bears the title “president of Palestine,” he will keep sitting there praising Palestine. But he will be bearing this name in vain...

Zurich, Feb. 2025 (S.M.)


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