In the wake of “In the Land of Israel: Essays,” by Amos Oz, 1983.
Salman Masalha ||
Longings for Jerusalem
It’s been many a day since first I came to Jerusalem in the 1970s. After all these years I’ve learned that their number can be considered as the blink of an eye in comparison to all the years of the city that falls and rises, falls and rises...
Showing posts with label Prose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prose. Show all posts
All Clear
Salman Masalha
Amir hadn’t laughed so hard for quite some time, and certainly not upon hearing an announcement from the Home Front Commander. With his forces alert on all fronts he had learnt on his own flesh, the country’s flesh, the meaning of the Jewish experience. The more he tortured her, the more pleasure she felt and burst into...
Tribal Tribulations
Salman Masalha
Tribal Tribulations
On May 2nd, 1860, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a Jewish boy was born to Jacob and Jannet in the city of Pest, which later joined Buda to form Budapest. They called him Theodor. Young Theodor wandered in many places and settled in Vienna where he studied law, a profession in which he never worked.
This young...
The Cat, the Cross and the Cream
Salman MasalhaTHE CAT, THE CROSS AND THE CREAMIs the Israeli cat trying to guard the cream? Or are we going to get lost in Nazareth? And what is the connection between all this and the people that is vanishing as the end of the millennium approaches? Are you confused? This is a sign that you are on the right track.Once upon a time in the land of the...
The City of the Walking Flower
Salman Masalha The City of the Walking Flower
Here, on the watershed of the winds, between reality and imagination, between
the utopia of the celestial spheres and the doom of the underworld, stands
Jerusalem. The city is a pile of stones that separates sea from sea, tomorrow
from yesterday, the green from the desert, and, above all,...
War Games
Israel also needs Iran. Just as Iran calls Israel the Little Satan (compared to the great American one), Israel also portrays Iran as the devil incarnate...
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Arab Nationalism?
The past several years have provided decisive proof that all the pompous Arab slogans from the ideological school of the Syrian and Iraqi Ba’ath parties...
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