It appears that since the chances for a new Israeli Ben-Gurion’s birth are nil, someone in Israel has begun to wish for a Palestinian one.
Salman Masalha ||
A Palestinian Ben-Gurio...
The Arabs are flocking back to the tribe
Salman Masalha ||
The Arabs are flocking back to the tribe
In the Jewish sector many voters didn’t bother to show up at the polling places for the municipal elections. Some commentators have linked the low turnout to the disappearance of the national political parties from the local scene. By way of contrast, the Arab sector flocked en masse to...
War Games
Israel also needs Iran. Just as Iran calls Israel the Little Satan (compared to the great American one), Israel also portrays Iran as the devil incarnate...
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Arab Nationalism?
The past several years have provided decisive proof that all the pompous Arab slogans from the ideological school of the Syrian and Iraqi Ba’ath parties...
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