Arab MKs must not shy away from seeking power

The Arab MKs, who swear allegiance to the state from the Knesset podium, must demand, and receive, all the rights granted to MKs, without exception.

Arabs, boycott the election in droves

Since political imagination is a rare commodity among the Arabs and their leaders I don’t foresee such a thing happening. 

Netanyahu and Nasrallah - Two messianic leaders

Indeed, this is a very benighted region. The source of darkness is a life lived in myths of the past.

And They Shall Ever Meet

Archive  (2001) -

While in Germany people want to forget and seek forgiveness, people in the Holy Land look for remembrance.

No-shows at the Wedding

Lucy Aharish’s marriage to Tzachi Halevy, which drew the seed purists from their hideouts, exposed the simple truth about matters of relationships between men and women – that Israel is no different than the surrounding Arab region

  • War Games

    Israel also needs Iran. Just as Iran calls Israel the Little Satan (compared to the great American one), Israel also portrays Iran as the devil incarnate...
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  • Arab Nationalism?

    The past several years have provided decisive proof that all the pompous Arab slogans from the ideological school of the Syrian and Iraqi Ba’ath parties...
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  • For Jews only

    The Jewish messianic understanding of the "Land of Israel" is what dictated the move. Now Netanyahu will surely find a way around the High Court with general Jewish support.
  • Make way for Barghouti

    As long as Abbas bears the title “president of Palestine,” he will keep sitting there praising Palestine. But he will be bearing this name in vain...


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