Proselytes are hard for Ishmael

Associating part of the muezzin's call with Arabs is a Zionist invention intended to demonize all Arabs.Salman Masalha | Proselytes are hard for IshmaelThe people who gathered among the "pictures of medal-bedecked Russian heroes" at the community center in Lod were waiting for MK Anastassia Michaeli (Yisrael Beiteinu ), who has presented a bill to...

That's how the Zionists are

A short history of Arab feelings toward Zionism:A new Arabic monthly, Lughat al-Arab ('the Arabic language'), that began publication in Baghdad 100 years ago, published an investigative report by the editor called 'The Founder of Zionism' in its September 1911 issue.Salman Masalha | That's how the Zionists areThe Arab attempt since the start of the...

Neither Arab nor Spring

The vicissitudes that have, for some reason, been collectively dubbed the 'Arab Spring' are neither Arab nor Spring. One can say that they are actually living proof of the identity crisis and reverberating bankruptcy of Arab nationalism. Salman Masalha || Neither Arab...

With yearning soul

Jewish fundamentalism, which seeks to restore the Jewish and nationalist crown to its former glory, had already planted its roots in the settlements and in Israeli society during the Six-Day War in 1967.Salman Masalha | With yearning soulWhen Yigal Amir shot Prime Minister Yitzhak...

The Arab world's quagmire

Only a society that can engage in introspection and self-examination can emerge from its dark past and march confidently to a different future. Otherwise, it will continue to sink into the same marshy swamp. Salman Masalha || The Arab world's quagmi...

The right's herds of goats

Netanyahu wants to herd the Palestinians outIt seems that the prime minister, who was educated at the knees of land-stealing Zionist farmers, has grown up and become a certified goat herder.Salman MasalhaThe right's herds of goatsWe often hear the claim among politicians in...

Which people, what justice?

Who doesn't want "social justice"? Or "peace" or "equality"? But underneath these pretty slogans, things look different. We frequently come up against examples that reveal the lie behind the words. Salman Masalha Which people, what justice? Even if the slogan uttered...

Right of return revisited

The debate on the term return to 'an ancient homeland,' whether on the Zionist definition of the land or on the Palestinian definition, exposes an abyss between the two national movements fighting over the country. Salman Masalha Right of return revisited A political tsunami...

Israel sinking into religious-fundamentalist swamp

Israel sinking into religious-fundamentalist swamp The intention of the proposed new Basic Law that would define Israel as 'the national home for the Jewish people' is to deny the natural rights of Israel's Arab citizens.... Salman Masalha The demographic problem MK Avi...

Gideon Spiro | They call that a Left?

"There is no need to prefer benighted regimes in order to express opposition to the Israeli Occupation. As a citizen who has been asked to vote for Hadash, I feel insulted by this style. I expect leaders of the party, Jews and Arabs alike, to dissociate themselves from those words..."...Gideon Spiro | They call that a Left?Dr. Salman Masalha is a poet...

Haim Baram | There is a Jewish-Arab left

In response to "You call this a left?": Haim Baram There is a Jewish-Arab left I am sure that Salman Masalha's article ("You call this a left?," July 27 ) was flattering to Jewish readers and affirmed their prejudice, already pervasive, that most Arab citizens are nationalistic and that the affliction has even spread to Hadash and the Israeli...

There is no Arab left-wing in Israel

You call this a left? The left is supposed to bridge the gap and the national tension by positing a civic agenda that crosses ethnic boundaries. The question is whether there is such a leftist agenda among the Arabs in Israel. Salman Masalha There is noArab left-wingin...

Rabbi Lior's racism is not his fault

Rabbi Dov Lior did not invent the wheel. He only hung the monotheistic dirty laundry out in public.---Salman MasalhaIt's not Rabbi Lior's faultFirst, let me say this: As a descendant of one of the Sons of Noah who has violated all manners of prohibitions, I am doomed to any...

On Artistic Freedom in the Nationalist Era

Salman Masalha On Artistic Freedomin the Nationalist Era As I am not a state, I have no secure borders nor an army guarding its soldiers’ lives night and day and there is no colored line drawn by a dusty general in the margins of his victory. As I am not a legislative council,...

The Nakba no one's talking about

When many Arabs flee an Arab country because they fear an Arab regime with pretensions to waving the flag of Arab nationalism, then this so-called nationalism becomes dubious and ought to raise questions...Salman MasalhaSyria exodus is the Nakbano one's talking aboutFor some...

Obama as an Arab reformer

As the American President has said, the mass demonstrations all over the Arab world do in fact indicate more than anything else "a longing of freedom" that has been building up for years. --- Salman Masalha Obama as an Arab reformer If we ignore the reference to the Israeli-Palestinian...


Vivian Eden EGYPT ON TELEVISION We watch Egypt on television just one country away. Off the screen, down the side streets behind closed windows and doors many people wait. The television tells them truth and lies.They watch the footage shot on high:Tops of men’s heads all look the same,like lentils for sorting on a plate.Where is my husband, my...

Alexander Yakobson | Who's afraid of equality?

Alexander YakobsonWho's afraid of equality?Why won't writer Emile Habibi, an Israeli Prize laureate, appear on one of the banknotes bearing the likenesses of writers, asked Salman Masalha ("Shekels as tools of the regime," April 24 ). He was immediately attacked by belligerent commenters, sending him off to Gaza and swearing in the name of the Jewish...

A Feeble Middle East

The rise of Shi’ite Islam under Iran’s leadership necessitated encouragement to Sunni Islam, to step into the breach versus Iran. The conclusion was simple: From the Arab world – which is mostly Sunni – no salvation will come either for the Arab world or for the Western world. Salman Masalha A Feeble Middle East The king of terror is dead. He...

Shekels as tools of the regime

Salman Masalha Shekels as tools of the regime The issuance of new bills with pictures of writers is a chance for the government to show its concern for Arab citizens - writer Emile Habibi for instance. --- Let’s talk about money and power. More precisely, the subject is...

Tal Nitzan | Maimed Lullaby

Tal Nitzan Maimed Lullaby To Tal Ashraf Abu Khattab, born in Gaza on May 1, 2010 The baby who bears my name is a month and two days old. Unaware she has been born into hell, she wrinkles her tiny nose and balls her hands into fists like babies everywhere. Her four...

If I were an Assad

From the hard disk: An article in Haaretz Magazine, April 19, 1996 How I conducted Syrian policy and gave ideas to Huntington? Salman Masalha If I were an Assad Possibly some kind of imposed solution will put an end to the election fray now making headlines in Lebanon....
  • War Games

    Israel also needs Iran. Just as Iran calls Israel the Little Satan (compared to the great American one), Israel also portrays Iran as the devil incarnate...
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  • Arab Nationalism?

    The past several years have provided decisive proof that all the pompous Arab slogans from the ideological school of the Syrian and Iraqi Ba’ath parties...
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  • For Jews only

    The Jewish messianic understanding of the "Land of Israel" is what dictated the move. Now Netanyahu will surely find a way around the High Court with general Jewish support.
  • Make way for Barghouti

    As long as Abbas bears the title “president of Palestine,” he will keep sitting there praising Palestine. But he will be bearing this name in vain...

Zurich, Feb. 2025 (S.M.)


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