Boycott the election

What are they finding so interesting here about Benjamin Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman running on the same ticket? After all, both of them have been in the same coalition for many years now and no one is able to point to any ideological difference between them. Salman Masalha || Boycott the electio...

They see not, nor know

 'Neutralizing' East Jerusalem: A day before the start of Operation Pillar of Defense, Nir Hasson revealed the Nature and Parks Authority's plan to establish a national park on the eastern slopes of Mount Scopus. According to Peace Now, the park "is meant to create a corridor...

Barak and Hussein are waiting for Obama

 Mr. President, if you do not bring an end to this bloody conflict, you will be asked to do something else: return that Nobel Prize given to you when you started out. Salman Masalha || Barak and Hussein are waiting for Oba...

Preparing the ground for the big Iranian operation

 War on Gaza: Pillar of Cloud, Pillar of Defence The current operation in Gaza can be called 'the little southern Iranian operation,' since it's designed to paralyze Iran's power in Gaza. Salman Masalha || Preparing the ground for the big Iranian operatio...

Rabin was murdered as an Israeli

In order to achieve the Israeli-Zionist goal he crossed the red lines drawn by the standard bearers of the Jewish tribe. Salman Masalha || Rabin was murdered as an Israeli...

There's no one to vote for

For Israeli Arabs, there's no one to vote for: A secular, liberal, democratic and fair-minded Arab citizen can't vote for either parties that support the Butcher of Damascus and his ilk, as Hadash and Balad do, or a separatist Muslim party like UAL. Salman Masalha || There's no one to vote for...

Royal corruption

Is it conceivable that foreign governments are buying political parties and public figures in Israel? Salman Masalha || Royal corruption...

About The Latest French Stance

Archive: Al-Hayat , 2003/12/28 There is no doubt that any progressive Arab should bless the French president in his attempt to protect France's secularism. ...

The Arab League Between Internet And Grammar

Archive: Al-Hayat  1/02/2004 The Internet revolution might be a double-edged sword. In fact, Internet might be the ultimate source of knowledge that links the four corners of the planet by the means of a computer. However, Internet might also be a tool to spread ignorance and vulgar taste. Salman Masalha || The Arab League Between Internet...

The dwarfs of Oslo

The Oslo Accords were merely a trick, a deception. The Israelis sought to maintain the occupation, while the Palestinians sought to regain legitimacy. Salman Masalha || The dwarfs of Oslo In 1993, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to two African leaders: Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk. The award went to them for bringing to an end the...

The Third Lebanon War

The decision-maker is trying to kill two birds with one war. The first is neutralizing the threat from the north and the second – returning Iran to its proper place in the East, vulnerable to pressure. Salman Masalha || The Third Lebanon War Once again the gears of war are turning and the pressure is ratcheting up, as everyone knows that every seven...

The Crimes Of The Regime And Of The Opposition

What is happening now in the Syrian arena, and has been happening for months, is the best proof of the ruin and desolation [that afflict] this land – except that this desolation, which is essentially a moral desolation, is not new. Salman Masalha  The Crimes Of...

Social injustice by popular demand

Time has come to say these things loud and clear: I do not have the slightest shred of sympathy for the bearers of slogans like “social justice,” “equality in the burden” and other such utterances from the Zionist workshop and its ilk. Salman Masalha ||Social injustice by popular demand It has been decreed, we are told, that we must pay the salaries...

The pit and the pendulum

Archieve (2001):In those days, we did not drink four goblets of wine, because everything that gladdens the human heart is not a part of our custom. Salman Masalha ||The pit and the pendulum Memory isn’t made of metal and therefore it does not rust. To put it mildly, this might sound strange. However, for us, the second generation of the Nakba, the...

The lie about rights and duties

The injustice that is being done to the Druze is an in-built Zionist matter. Salman Masalha || The lie about rights and duties We are not going to discuss how to get the desert to bloom here but rather how the public discourse in Israel is made devoid of content. Many people with bad intentions take part in the attempt to cover our eyes and block...

A pinprick in the “equal burden” balloon

Sometimes the use of the oriental imagination is needed like air to breathe. I have often argued that attributing oriental imagination to the Arabs is tantamount to slander... Salman MasalhaA pinprick in the “equal burden” balloon One fine day Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu awoke from a bad coalition dream and discovered the incredible. He scratched...

Under his vine and under his anthem

Before we arrive at the fulfillment of Isaiah’s utopian vision, even in a small way, it is necessary first of all for the wolf and the lamb to live each of them under his own respective vine and respective national anthem. Salman Masalha || Under his vine and under his anthem Some people think the situation in the territories is irreversible...

No Grass in the Arab world

The murderous Ba’ath regime, which pretended to be the standard bearer of Arab nationalism, is the bloody testimony to the failure of that nationalism. Salman Masalha ||  No Grass in the Arab world When Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini came into power in Iran, the well-known Syrian poet Adonis hastened to publish a paean of praise of the...

Nakba not yet lost

The Nakba is alive for both Jews and Arabs: Salman Masalha ||  Nakba not yet lost Let's set aside for a moment the discourse about human rights and the debate about natural rights, because no salvation will come from them. Moreover, they will never lead to a solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On the contrary, they pour oil on...

For Jews only

Israel's new cabinet is driven by Jewish messianic fervor...Salman Masalha || For Jews onlyOur lawmakers had a sleepless night last week, although it was much ado about nothing. There is nothing new under the Israeli political sun. Ehud Barak may have feared losing his commanding position. Maybe Shas' chief feared the lion breathing down his neck,...

The reluctant philanthropists

Horsemen of the handout:Today the halukkah comes from the working public. This public - both Jews and Arabs - pays taxes and bears the burden, and in recent years it has taken the place of the 'new philanthropist.'Salman Masalha || The reluctant philanthropistsIn the middle...

Welcome, racists

Inaction over Syria reveals anti-Arab racism: Rather than the fly-in serving as a 'Welcome to Palestine,' as the organizers called the protest campaign, it was aimed at expressing solidarity with Israel and stressing the extent to which Israel belongs to the activists' cultural fami...

Patriot games

Letting Israeli expats vote is a political manipulation: The Israeli legal system desperately needs an important new law, and this electoral law must include a very 'patriotic' clause - that any Israeli who has a foreign passport will not have the right to vote here. Salman...

Fata Morgana

Salman Masalha ||  Fata Morgana Vanishes into mist Roams like rain that pours He’s holding in his fist A book from years of yore Appears, then is no more Like dew in the day’s first blush In stories shared aloud His soul behind a door Half his heart is melted cloud The other half is crushedOnly vanishing existsO, what kind of news is this!Here...

Between the devil and Iran

Israel's occupation fills an ancient Mideast need for evil:Among other things, the Arab-Israeli conflict serves as a tool of manipulation for the Iranians in their drive to restore Persian glory. Salman Masalha || Between the devil and Iran First of all, when it comes to...

The decay in the Arab world

Assad is a symbol of The decay in the Arab world: With great sadness, it can be said that in the absence of a sane civil alternative, the Arab world will continue along this path. Salman Masalha ||  The decay in the Arab world Bashar Assad, who is continuing...

Ebrahim Nabavi || A Contract Between the Ayatollahs and God

Ebrahim Nabavi :A Contract Between the Ayatollahs and God It was recently reported in the Iranian press that Jaafar Shajooni, a mid-level but influential cleric who heads the prayer leaders association had said that God had signed a contract with the ayatollahs, entrusted much to them. Here is my take on the text of such an agreement. * Contract...
  • War Games

    Israel also needs Iran. Just as Iran calls Israel the Little Satan (compared to the great American one), Israel also portrays Iran as the devil incarnate...
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  • Arab Nationalism?

    The past several years have provided decisive proof that all the pompous Arab slogans from the ideological school of the Syrian and Iraqi Ba’ath parties...
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  • For Jews only

    The Jewish messianic understanding of the "Land of Israel" is what dictated the move. Now Netanyahu will surely find a way around the High Court with general Jewish support.
  • Make way for Barghouti

    As long as Abbas bears the title “president of Palestine,” he will keep sitting there praising Palestine. But he will be bearing this name in vain...

Zurich, Feb. 2025 (S.M.)


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