The Jews' election
The Arab MKs merely serve as a fig leaf that covers Israel's systematic racism. Arab citizens, boycott the elections.
Salman Masalha ||
Israeli Arabs, don't give the Jewish State your vo...
Turning Jerusalem into Tehran

The racist downpours that have fallen on Israel lately are only the first rains of a long winter of racism, one that will flood Israel for years to come.
Salman Masalha ||
Netanyahu is turning Jerusalem into the new Tehr...
Rights and responsibilities of Israel's Arab citizens

The Israeli Arab leadership’s positions on belonging to the state and its institutions are full of contradictions, and the time has come to resolve them.
Salman Masalha ||
Rights and responsibilities of Israel's Arab citizens
Police clash with protesters in the...
B. Michael || The right to resist oppression and tyranny

Once upon a time, a time we knew better days, had loftier values, and even had more enlightened elected officials.
B. Michael ||
The right to resist oppression and tyran...
Apartheid city
New Arab city will perpetuate inequality
We should oppose the construction of a new Arab city on principle. From here it’s a short distance to pushing Arab citizens out of so-called 'Jewish' cities.
Salman Masalha || Apartheid ci...
The international occupation of Palestine
The world is a partner:The time has come to call a spade a spade: The occupation in Palestine isn’t just Israeli – it’s a Western occupation.Salman Masalha || The international occupation of Palesti...
Vivian Eden || Fading faces in the rain

Vivian Eden ||
Fading faces in the rain
Of ink and identity: The late Samih al-Qasim on the ephemeral nature of the printed word as it encounters the element...
For the glory of the Middle East
Salman Masalha ||For the glory of the Middle East
People love to worry about the sociocultural fabric. But as it turns out, concern over this fabric – on the part of both the government and the public – goes in one direction and relates to one ethnicity...
Homeland Hymn
Salman Masalha ||
Homeland Hymn
On the mountain that kisses a star, the winds
flail and wail. This is not a wind that blew in
from the west, it is a wind that sighs:
Who lifts up his eyes on high
to the bereft land, which God has left
to its own devices, filthy with hate, imprisoned
in plaints and the flame of the sword...
Arab, speak Arabic
Salman Masalha ||
Arab, speak Arabic
Israel's Arab MKs can look to Jabotinsky for inspiration about how to achieve real equality between Arabic and Hebre...
Looking only backwards

This entire region is comprised of artificial states that have never managed to create cross-tribal or cross-ethnic national unity, and have always been ruled in the shadow of the bloody, torn past.
Salman Masalha ||Looking only backwards:
Nothing new in the...
Israeli apartheid exposed at the airport
Despite new x-ray machines, the brutal treatment of Arab citizens at Ben-Gurion Airport continues in keeping with Zionist ideology.
Salman Masalha ||Israeli apartheid exposed at the airpo...
It’s time for the Palestinians to reshuffle the deck

The Palestinian Authority could either dissolve itself and shoot for a
one-state solution, or immediately call new elections and get rid of the
corrupt old guard.
Salman Masalha ||It’s time for the Palestinians to reshuffle the de...
Why the Arabs' test grades are lower

Were I a fan of conspiracy theories, I would accuse Bill Gates of purposely trying to trip up the Arab test takers.
Salman Masalha ||
Why the Arabs' test grades are low...
The whole tragedy in a nutshell
Salman Masalha ||
The whole tragedy in a nutshell
Ever since the two peoples, the Jews and the Palestinians, met in conflict on this small land they have been constantly plagued by the attempt to clarify the meaning of the concept “homeland.” It seems that this term is one of the most explosive in the discourse of both side...
Two states for two languages
Arabic state, Hebrew state -
Discard the false visions of a binational state:
M. Abbas with B. Netanyahu (photo: AP)
The time has come to speak to the point. Both the Jews and the Arabs aren’t going anywhere. And in the absence of partition, the conflict will not be solved.
Yahya Hassan || Childhood
Yahya Hassan || Childhood
Five children lined up and a father with a club
Weeping and a pool of piss
In turn we stretch out our hands
For the sake of predictability
The sound when blows rain do...
Morani Kornberg-Weiss || Dear Darwish
What happens when a young Israeli-American poet 'speaks' with the late Mahmoud Darwish.
Vivian Eden ||This conversation could never happen in real li...
Vivian Eden || The truth about immigration
“Rest” exemplifies this. It deals with a common issue in Hebrew poetry: a conflict between a “here” and a “there”, which goes back at least as far as the rivers of Babylon in Psalm 137.
Vivian Eden ||
The truth about immigratio...
Why PISA leans away from the Arabs

Why is there such a large gap in the digital reading scores between Arabic and Hebrew speakers?
Salman Masalha ||
Why PISA leans away from the Arab...
The nation marches on its hopes

“Every soldier,” as Napoleon said,” carries a general’s baton in his rucksack.” However, if you put weaponry into the hands of a fool, he is liable to think that the weaponry solves every problem he encounters....
Answering Bibi and Libi
The answer to Netanyahu and Lieberman needs to come in the establishment of a social democratic front of the Israeli left. The ball is sitting in the court of the two Israeli parties Meretz and Hadash.
Salman Masalha ||
Answering Bibi and Lib...
War Games
Israel also needs Iran. Just as Iran calls Israel the Little Satan (compared to the great American one), Israel also portrays Iran as the devil incarnate...
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Arab Nationalism?
The past several years have provided decisive proof that all the pompous Arab slogans from the ideological school of the Syrian and Iraqi Ba’ath parties...
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